LCHD reports county’s second COVID-19-related death, discusses local surge in cases

For the Tomahawk Leader

LINCOLN COUNTY – The Lincoln County Health Department on Saturday, Oct. 3 reported the county’s second COVID-19 related death. The day prior, the health department issued a release regarding the recent surge in the number of COVID-19 cases locally.

County’s second COVID-19-related death

LCHD confirmed Lincoln County’s second death associated with COVID-19 in a release over the weekend. The individual was in their 60s and had underlying health conditions, according to the release.

“We are saddened by the loss of one of our community members,” said Lincoln County Health Department Director and Health Officer Shelley Hersil. “We extend our sympathies to their loved ones and all impacted.”

Surge in cases

LCHD said in a release from Friday, Oct. 2 that “COVID-19 activity level is very high in North Central Wisconsin and Lincoln County.”

“We are seeing community spread and more exposure due to individuals gathering with others especially when they are sick,” the release stated. “The rise in cases is throughout the entire county and among all ages.”

According to the release, 130 new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Lincoln County since Labor Day. 17 have been hospitalized in the county since Sept. 1.

“We have had 17 hospitalizations since Sept. 1, 2020,” the statement said. “Our case burden is 436 per 100,000 people. Above 350 is considered a very high threshold for case burden.”

“The Lincoln County Health Department is doing our best to follow up with cases and contacts in a timely manner, as well as, notify the public of exposures that we become aware of in which close contacts cannot be determined,” the release continued. “While residents wait for a call or letter with isolation guidance, we ask that they self-quarantine and monitor their symptoms.”

For more information regarding COVID-19 in Lincoln County, visit

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